Thursday 30 June 2011

Basant Panchami Scraps

 Basant Panchami Scraps, Basant Panchami Pictures, Basant Panchami Comments for Orkut, Myspace, Hi5
Basant Panchami Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of Basant Panchami scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect Basant Panchami scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide". 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Orkut Friendship Day Scraps

Orkut Friendship Day Scraps, Friendship Day Scraps,  Friendship Pictures, Friendship Comments for Orkut
Friendship Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of Friendship scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect Friendship scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide". 

Republic Day Orkut Scraps

Republic Day Scraps, Republic Day Pictures, Republic Day Comments for Orkut, Orkut Republic Day Scraps
Republic Day Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of Republic Day scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect Republic Day scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide".

Tuesday 21 June 2011

I miss you

 I Miss You Scraps, I Miss You Pictures, I Miss You Comments for Orkut, Myspace, Hi5
I Miss You Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of I Miss You scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect I Miss You scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide".


Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan Scraps, Raksha Bandhan Pictures, Raksha Bandhan Comments for Orkut, Myspace, Hi5
Raksha Bandhan Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of Raksha Bandhan scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect Raksha Bandhan scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide".


Sunday 19 June 2011

I Love You Scraps

 I Love You Scraps, I Love You Pictures, I Love You Comments for Orkut, Myspace, Hi5
I Love You Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of I Love You scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect I Love You scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide".

Fathers Day Scraps

 Fathers Day Scraps, Fathers Day Pictures, Fathers Day Comments for Orkut, Myspace, Hi5
Fathers Day Orkut scraps and greetings. Be sure to look at the numerous pages of Fathers Day scraps, as these greetings are in latest order. The perfect Fathers Day scrap you are looking to send may be on another page. Copy the code below the orkut scrap you would like to send and paste it into the scrapbook of family and friends on Orkut. Please read our "How to scrap guide". 

Thursday 16 June 2011

Best friends scraps, glitter graphics, best friends day comments, best friends day cards and Greetings, beautiful and lovely best friends day images and quotes for Orkut, Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, Tagged.

Best friends scraps, are those friends who usually give us the best part of our life. Who stay with us when the whole world departs. They give us the best feelings in our life. Today is the best friends day, the day to share those deepest feelings with you best friends. So send some cool best friends day wishes by cards, orkut scraps, happy best friends day comments and glitter graphics. You may also like friends forever scraps. Also Get beautiful friendship sms & text messages.

Animated orkut scraps and glitter graphics

We provide scraps, greetings, glitter graphics, themes, and more for Animated orkut scraps and Profiles.

Looking for graphics which you can send to your friends on social networking sites like Orkut, Friendster, Myspace, Tagged, Facebook, Hi5 etc? has made it possible for you to send cool orkut images & orkut graphics along with your scraps. So start enjoying orkut more. You just have to copy paste the provided HTML Code for image in your friend's scrapbook or comment box.

Funnyorkutscraps is the Fastest growing website to get the best of orkut images for all occasions and emotions. If you are new to the world of orkut images or HTML, then it is understandable that you might be doubtful on how to proceed. But, is always ready to help you out and so we would ask you to read the Learn how to send Picture Scraps section.

Tired of texting and debris in orkut, myspace, facebook, orkut etc to send to our collection of beautiful and best of images and graphics. Get orkut variety of remains and shines here, as remnants birthday to send to your friends and loved ones to wish happy birthday, love leftovers, I love leftover remnants of flirting to express his heart warm to him, remains in good morning, good night scraps to wish the special times of the day for your firnds also have friends orkut, orkut for romantic couples, waste and images from different seasons and festivals and even fun orkut and images for orkut that could make your beloved smile. You can also use the images and waste in blogs, personal pages and any other social networking sites.